Uncrying Sky

Liner notes





CD Reviews













Only in the shadows and undercurrents of Stefano's odes does one hear the violin.  It is hidden.  It colors the sadness of this world where trains pass the hoboes and shopping malls and the graveyards of Horace, and pass on into time, where time is lost, and all eternity will not take us along.
Mark Weber
The both prickly and poignant voice and the thickening of harmonics made of silence of  Pastor’s violin wander about the lines and the syllables as a ghost of man who feels his  inexorable condition and the impossibility to substantialize his own existence under a glass and offwhite sky.
But a ghost forced to search flesh and blood who, by the tragic and painfully farcical voice of Schiaffini’s trombone, seems to evoke a sound near the crying expressing in that way the equivalent of another and high moment from the Vinicius de Moraes’ poetry (poet above-mentioned by Pastor himself) “Carne que sou no âmago inútil da prece”. This density has come up again also in the rhythm section, while the trombone substanzializes and gives an almost tridimensional thickness to the whole: the ghost of man has perhaps found his incarnation.
Erika Dagnino
This work seeks to be a pessimistic criticism of a world no longer able to find a meaning beyond mere moneymaking and materialism. Beyond existence of lifestyles which we now don't even realize how much they are violently imposed upon us. Beyond democratic models based on a self-imposed slavery submissive to economic power.
And the economic power seems to replace the concept of culture, both in the meaning of spontaneous identity of all the people, imposing its own criteria and destroying that which is different; and in the meaning of a total substitution of Art with the easy entertainment of  the “culture industry”.
Our “uncrying sky” is not the sky, mirror of light and ethereal substance, but is only the checking eye. With severity. With no rights and without this cruel action of conditioning being morally justifiable in any pacific and respectful way to other cultures or religions.
Questo lavoro vuole essere una pessimistica critica a un mondo che non riesce più a trovare un senso al di là del mero arricchirsi materialmente; al di là di un apparire secondo modelli che ormai non ci accorgiamo neanche più di quanto violentemente ci siano imposti; al di là di modelli di democrazia fondati sulla schiavitù volontaria - o inconsapevole - rispetto al potere economico.
Da tempo si sta assistendo ad un inquietante processo di demolizione del concetto di cultura, sia nell’accezione di spontanea identità di ogni popolo e di ogni classe sociale imponendo, attraverso una disumana omologazione, i propri modelli consumistici e sia nel senso di una pressoché totale sostituzione dell’arte con il comodo intrattenimento della cosiddetta “industria culturale”.
Il “cielo che non piange” non è cielo, specchio di luce e materia eterea ma è soltanto occhio che controlla. Con ferocia, senza alcun diritto; nessuna cultura pacifica né alcuna religione possono giustificare moralmente lo svilimento in atto dell’individuo attraverso la distruzione della sua capacità di libera socializzazione.
Stefano Pastor
Giancarlo Schiaffini
Giorgio Dini
Daviano Rotella
Mark Weber
Erika Dagnino
Federico Brondi Zunino